Days 4/5

The person I've most enjoyed meeting and getting to know this week is a tie between two people: Bill Seng, the Chief; and Neil, the paramedic.

Chief Seng has a wonderful sense of humor. He welcomed me right into the station's family dynamic and immediately showed interest in getting to know me. He told me funny stories about my mom's days on the Metro Council and gave me some solid advice for my future.

Neil is one of the most outwardly friendly people on the team. During my days in the ambulance, he would walk me through every motion he went through in the process of transporting a patient. Neil always made sure I was enjoying myself and learning something new about EMS.

While these two definitely stand out in my mind, I've truly enjoyed getting to know everyone in my capstone project and their respective personalities.

Days 4 and 5 were a little sad. I spent the days with my favorite crews and went out to lunch with them both days. I didn't realize how much I'd miss waking up early, getting coffee, and showing up at the station, just for the sirens to sound and the rush to begin.

My capstone was a super great experience, and I'd recommend it to anyone who's interested in firefighting or EMS.


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