Day 5 - Meredith Schulten

My last day of Capstone was a great way to end the week. I went out to row in the morning and went the furthest I've gone all week. On my way back, there were 3 dolphins that were following my boat. I watched them, but then they disappeared for awhile so I continued rowing. I was very startled when the dolphins reappeared. I was expecting them to come tot he top of the water again; however, they came up right at the edge of my oar, which is only about 3 or 4 feet away from me. Not expecting them to come that close, I jumped back and almost fell out of my boat into the water. After regaining my balance i continued rowing slowly and the dolphins followed me, still at the edge of my oar. I was amazed at how close they came to me. I could see the details of their dorsal fins, their eyes, their blowholes. They followed me all the way down the marina until they trailed off towards the shore. Sadly, I don't have a picture of them since I don't take my phone out on the water with me. I had an amazing time learning to row this week and getting to row with dolphins that close to me was the perfect way to end my capstone week.


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