Day 4: Garrett Sams: The Longest Day of my life.

What a day. I knew today would be rough as I woke up at 7:00 AM to go to a "leadership conference" with Mr. Long. The conference was at the Kentucky Center, and every male there (except for the Collegiate kids and Mr. Long) wore a baggy suit. Also, there was a woman with a beret on yelling the name "Blanch" in the middle of the lobby. Don't know what that was about. Hopefully, she found "Blanch." Regardless, the conference took place in the coldest theater in which I have ever stepped foot. The coldness did not deter me from falling asleep as a woman talked about how Generation Z (my generation) loved "the snapchat." She's right. In all seriousness, I love snapchat. While I sat, listening to the keynote, Eli was breaking records, eating handfuls of free muffins. I don't know how many he ate, but I'd say enough to kill a horse. One thing was apparent about every speaker, they all knew how to make terrible jokes. One keynote speaker was extremely loud as well. The sound technician had to turn his microphone down. Also, for some reason, someone brought a VR headset to this event and people, while looking ridiculous, were walking around with the headset on, swatting at the air and running into walls. Strangely, a woman made some sort of joke about my shoes while I was at this event. I didn't know her, and I don't know what was funny about my shoes. I was wearing wallabies, but I laughed anyway because I am nice. Finally, the school day ended with Mr. Long driving us back to Collegiate in the very safe Collegiate vans.

"The vans need some love." -Mr. Long.

I ate lunch at McDonalds by myself and then went home to edit my film. By the way, McDonalds offers a $.99 hamburger. That is a good deal. By that math, I can buy 7 for $6.93 (excluding tax), which I did.

So, I went home and edited my movie. I realized that I have 3 hours of footage and that we aren't even finished with half of the movie. Part of the reason I have a lot of footage is that I think that I am brilliant, and every idea is a good idea. Ethan and I filmed a long scene of us dancing to the Beatles' "Continuing the Story of Bungalow Bill." How will this fit into the narrative? I don't know. All I know is that Tysen can't act. I am not calling him out. I am stating a fact. Today he managed to ruin multiple scenes by playing the piano in the background. Why? He's mad that I wrote a 53-page long script and gave him 4 lines. I'd be mad too, but I don't have to be. I am not Tysen.

At around 10:00 PM (15 hours after waking up), I reviewed our footage from the last two days of filming. I didn't realize we cursed so much. So, now I have to edit out the profanity. Henry is the main culprit. He gets around 5 minutes of screen time and says around 17 words that are point-worthy. He's funny though and will probably win an Oscar for his performance.

Finally, we filmed a scene at Claire William's house. I made Tysen hold the camera. Claire can't act. Her pug was more convincing than she was, but that's okay. She definitely got nervous in front of the camera.

While writing this post, I forgot that Mrs. Prince wrote a prompt. So, I went back and read the prompt. My answer: Claire's pug, Sarah. Never have I ever met such a talented actress. She knows the business--the ins and outs. She also can't breathe because she is a pug.



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